This Week In The Market – 21 May 2019

Edition 228: Another great safety tip
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In this week’s Market News:

– We talk to Harry Kapiris about his role on the advisory committee
– Saad Hassan from Barkers gives us a great tip in our new ‘Weekly words of wisdom’
– Yellow line marking trial for better visibility

Market News

Meet your advisory committee members

Over the coming weeks, we will be profiling each of our advisory committee members for you to get to know a little more about them.
This week we spoke to Harry Kapiris, from the Wholesalers Advisory Committee.
Your role at the Market:
Managing Director of Kapiris Bros. I’ve been involved with the business my whole working life.
What do you think are important issues for the industry and Market itself?
I’ve been passionate, for my 40 years in the business, about trading hours. For me, I probably only have a few more years here of full-time work, but I believe if we had later trading hours, it would do the industry a lot of good. We’re not getting a lot of outside blood in the Market; later trading hours would help change that. That being said, I do understand the challenges for buyers with road congestion and other things with buyers having to get out earlier. Perhaps once road infrastructure in Melbourne improves, a few years down the track, we should revisit trading hours.
What are you most passionate about? 
The operations at the Market are very good, a lot more efficient than at Footscray Rd. Our costs of doing business since coming here have drastically reduced with big efficiencies gained.
The Market is one of those last places where a spade is a spade, and your word and your bond is everything.
What are you positive about for the future? 
I think cooking shows like MasterChef have helped the industry and created a lot more interest in cooking to the general public. People value and want fresh quality produce, which the Market can deliver. I think the A Better Choice program has a lot of potential and it’s something now that the entire industry can get behind. I’d be happy to contribute financially to the program, and I think it’s something everyone here should be a part of with the MMA taking a leading role.
Why did you want to be a member of the advisory committee?
I wanted to make sure there was an independent voice for those wholesalers who are not members of Fresh State.
What’s something most people wouldn’t know about you?
Don’t think there is too much people don’t know about me; I’m an open book.

Advisory committees work with the MMA to advise on matters relating to Market operations and the fresh produce industry, and committee members are a great source of information and advice for Market users. To find out who all the members of the advisory committees are, please visit the MMA website.

Weekly words of wisdom

What footwear are you wearing to work each day?
For those working in the Market, a quality pair of work boots are essential to reduce the risk of injury to your feet – they might just save you a toe one day.
Thanks for the tip Saad, a great piece of advice!

Yellow line marking

You’ll soon see line painting works taking place in the carpark, with the MMA trialling a colour change to some carpark bays from white to yellow.
Feedback from forklift drivers indicated that in wet weather conditions white line marking and parking bay numbers are difficult to see and can make deliveries to bays more time-consuming.
The MMA will be painting carpark bays in streets 2,3,8 and 9, located between the forklift highway and buyers walk, yellow; giving forklift drivers better visibility in wet weather conditions.

A Better Choice stores looking great

With almost 150 stores across Victoria on board, the A Better Choice branding is being seen all across the state.
Check out some of our stores who have had a visual merchandiser visit.

If you haven’t joined yet book an appointment to have us visit you in-store and answer all your questions.

Book an appointment today to learn more

Market tours and visitors

Often you’ll see MMA management taking tour groups around the Market. These tours are sometimes made up of people who can partner with or offer services for the benefit of Market businesses.
Last week a group from Rabobank toured the Market. Like most newcomers to the Market, they were blown away by the scale and operations of the Market and were happy to see some of their clients in their place of work.
Thanks to our Market community who are always happy to talk to tour groups and warmly welcome them to the Market.

Full site emergency evacuation drill – rescheduled

The emergency evacuation drill scheduled for last month was cancelled due to severe weather conditions.
The full site emergency evacuation drill has been rescheduled for Monday 27 May at 11:00 am.
The drill will evacuate all tenants on Market land, including all administration building tenants, Buyers’ walk tenants, warehouse tenants, visitors, and subcontractors on site.
Upon hearing the site evacuation tones, everyone will need to follow site evacuation procedures and follow the directions of Market Relations Officers.
The drill should take approximately 20 minutes.
We look forward to your participation.

Access card expiry

Annual access cards expired on 30 April.
Any unpaid access card renewal invoices are now overdue, and lockouts for unpaid cards have commenced.
Business principals are advised to pay access card renewal invoices in full, if not done so already, to avoid disruption to business operations.
Payment methods

  1. Visit the Customer Service Centre between 4:00 am and 11:00 am and pay via cash, credit card or debit card.
  2. Pay online via the MMA website at
  3. Pay over the phone via credit card by phoning 03 9258 6123.
  4. Pay via BPAY – look for the BPAY details on the bottom of your invoice.

Industry News

ATO changes

Single Touch Payroll (STP) is a new way of reporting tax and super information to the ATO, and employers with 19 or fewer employees should be prepared for the new STP process.
From 1 July 2019 small business employers will need to report their employees’ tax and super information to the ATO through payroll software that is STP ready.
For more information, visit the ATO website.

Mango automation breakthrough

CQUniversity Australia has captured the attention of the mango industry with a successful field trial of the prototype of its auto-harvester. The technology achieved 75 per cent efficiency in automatically identifying and picking fruit.
Read more on the Produce Plus website.

Key Dates

Monday 10 June – Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Ask the MMA

If you’ve got a question for the MMA email it to

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