Flower Market Circular – 5 June 2019

Edition 100: Meet your advisory committee members
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In this edition of the Flower Market Circular:

– Meet your advisory committee members
– New online systems in a digital age
– Weak 4G signal? Sign up for our free wi-fi

Meet your advisory committee members

Over the coming weeks, we will be profiling each of our flower advisory committee members for you to get to know a little more about them.
This week we spoke to Cheryl Roehrich.
Your role at the Market:
Business owner, Dakota Flowers, I’ve been in the business for 38 years and counting.
What are you most passionate about in relation to the fresh flower industry?
Growing quality flowers that people can enjoy.
What are you most positive about for the future in the flower industry?
Hopefully, change. Change that will grow the flower industry.
What do you think are the most important issues for the flower market?
We need to attract more florists and buyers to the Market.
What advice would you give to young people starting out in the industry?
Be prepared to work hard, it’s not an easy job, but it’s worth it.
What do you most enjoy about the Market?
The different seasons, seeing the varieties of flowers change as we move from one season to the next.
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I breed alpacas.

40-year service award

The MMA recognise Market participants who have worked in the industry for 40 years or more.
When you become a 40-year member, you receive a gold access card, which has no fee applied, as well as a certificate presented to you during a celebration event.
If you have been working in the Market for over 40 years and have not yet received your gold card, download and complete the 40-year service award form.

Bridezilla asks florist to work for free

Have you worked with a Bridezilla before?
A florist in the US has revealed how a demanding bride-to-be asked her to do eighty hours of work for free – in return for posting snaps of the arrangements on Instagram.
Click here to read more.

New online systems in a digital age

As part of the MMA’s Corporate Plan, we are always aiming to identify opportunities to improve a Market user’s experience. Most recently we have been investigating efficiencies relating to digital technology.
The MMA has been working for some months now assessing what digital systems the Market needs to move forward in an ever-increasing technological environment.
The first will be a self-serve online customer portal aimed to make your experiences and interactions at the Market more efficient.
You will hear more about these new online systems very soon. Watch this space!

Weak 4G signal? Sign up to our free wi-fi

Did you know the MMA offers a free wi-fi service across the entire site for all Market users to take advantage of?
The 4G network provided by some mobile service providers is often found to be weak within the Market precinct.
Our free wi-fi has a strong signal with a simple two-click registration process with no need to enter any personal details.
Once registered, a user will receive 24 hours of free wi-fi.
Make logging onto the Market free wi-fi part of your routine to start your workday.

Market tours and visitors 

Often you’ll see MMA management taking tour groups around the Market. These tours are sometimes made up of people who can partner with or offer services for the benefit of Market businesses.
Recently a group from Rabobank toured the Market. Like most newcomers to the Market, they were blown away by the scale and operations of the Market and were happy to see some of their clients in their place of work.
Thanks to our Market community who are always happy to talk to tour groups and warmly welcome them to the Market.

United unmanned diesel station now open

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

The Market will be closed for the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday on Monday 10 June.
If your parking permit only allows access on a Monday, and you would like to come to the Market on an alternative adjacent day, you will not be charged for parking and can enter the Market. However please note, your regular bay may not be available. Please see a Market Relations Officer on arrival for instruction.
If you’re wondering what’s open in Melbourne, and ideas for things to do during the Queen’s Birthday weekend, check out the Herald Sun’s Queens Birthday guide.

Is your business eligible for a $30k asset write-off next month?

With the end of the financial year fast approaching, small and medium-sized businesses could be eligible for an instant asset write-off of up to $30,000.
The Federal Government boosted the threshold on the Instant Asset Write-off Scheme last month, in a move designed to stimulate growth for small and medium-sized business.
Click here to read more.

ATO changes

Single Touch Payroll (STP) is a new way of reporting tax and super information to the ATO, and employers with 19 or fewer employees should be prepared for the new STP process.
From 1 July 2019 small business employers will need to report their employees’ tax and super information to the ATO through payroll software that is STP ready.
For more information, visit the ATO website.

Key Dates

Monday 10 June – Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Ask the MMA

If you’ve got a question or suggestion for the MMA email it to submissions@melbournemarket.com.au.

Follow us


For all enquiries call 03 9258 6100

7AM - 3PM, MON - FRI